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CareOregon’s Medicare Outreach team lives up to its name. Our team helps connect the community to the health care system and answers member questions about CareOregon Advantage benefits. When you go to a Medicare Outreach event, we’ll either answer your questions on the spot – in your preferred language – or connect you to someone who can.
Answer questions about CareOregon Advantage and check your Medicare status
Make an appointment with your primary care provider
Answer general questions about CareOregon Advantage benefits
Order a new CareCard
Help order a replacement Member ID card for COA or OHP
Connect you with a Medicare agent who can sign you up for a Medicare plan that suits you
Arrange transportation to covered health care appointments
Connect you with additional resources as needed, such as housing, food and clothing
Monthly occurrences
Request a call
Fill out this form and one of our representatives will give you a call to answer all your questions.
Page last updated: October 1, 2024
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